Tuesday 17 December 2013

Exercise 5

Exercise 4

Exercise 3

Exercise 2

Exercise 1

A glance of Cloze Test and C-Test. :)

In need of short notes ? Here are some of the notes you can refer to. Enjoy !

Teaching English Language Learner through a Cloze

This is a video on how to teach English Language Learner using a Cloze passage. Have a look and try to understand it.

Sample of Good Item

Circle the best answer.

Reality television is a genre of television programming which, it is claimed, presents unscripted dramatic or humorous situations, documents actual events, and features ordinary people rather than professional actors. It could be described __________[1] a form of artificial or “heightened” documentary. Although the genre __________[2] in some form or another since the early years of television, the current explosion of popularity dates from around 2000. Reality television covers a __________[3] range of television programming formats, from game or quiz shows which resemble the frantic, often demeaning programmes produced in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s (a modern example is Gaki no tsukai), to surveillance – or voyeurism – focused productions such as Big Brother.
Critics said that the __________[4] “reality television” is somewhat of a misnomer and that such shows frequently portray a modified and highly influenced form of reality, with participants put in exotic locations or abnormal situations, sometimes coached to act in certain ways by off-screen handlers, and with events on screen manipulated through editing and other post-production techniques.
Part of reality television’s __________[5] is due to its ability to place ordinary people in extraordinary situations. For example, on the ABC show, The Bachelor, __________[6] male dates a dozen women simultaneously, travelling on extraordinary dates to scenic locales. Reality television also has the __________[7] to turn its participants into national celebrities, outwardly in talent and performance programs such as Pop Idol, though frequently Survivor and Big Brother participants also reach some degree of celebrity.
Some commentators __________[8] that the name “reality television” is an inaccurate description for several styles of program included in the genre. In competition-based programs __________[9] Big Brother and Survivor, and other special-living-environment shows like The Real World, the producers design the format of the show and control the day-to-day activities and the environment, creating a completely fabricated world in which the competition plays out. Producers specifically select the __________[10], and use carefully designed scenarios, challenges, events, and settings to encourage particular behaviours and conflicts. Mark Brunett, creator of Survivor and other reality shows, has agreed with this assessment, and avoids the word “reality” to describe his shows; he said, “I tell good stories. It is not reality TV. It really is unscripted drama.”
1        A. to
B. by
C. as
D. with

6        A. a suitable
B. an eligible
C. a qualified
D. a single
2        A. has endured
B. has existed
C. has occurred
D. has happened

7        A. probability
B. possibility
C. potential
D. tendency
3        A. broad
B. large
C. vast
D. wide

8        A. have said
B. has said
C. had said
D. have been saying
4        A. term
B. name
C. word
D. phrase

9        A. for instance
B. for example
C. just as
D. such as
5        A. appeal
B. claim
C. demand
D. proposal
10    A. participants
B. members
C. partners
D. players

Why it is a good item?

This is a good item because it is constructed according to the rules of cloze test. In this sample, the 5th word will be deleted from the second sentence until the last sentence. The distractors are grammatically correct and they are arranged according to the length. As you can see from the sample, there are no double blanks in a sentence and they are written is systematically. 

Sample of Bad item

Circle the best answers.

CANTON, Mass. - Some ______(1) them a safe way to smoke without the harmful carcinogens. But towns and cities across the state are _______ (2) e-cigarettes like tobacco. 

Monday, the Town of Canton will _______(3) on whether to ban the sale of e-cigarettes. In Massachusetts, 78 cities and towns make selling e-cigarettes to ______(4) illegal. Some 43 towns have banned their use in the workplace and most public place.

"We believed that it was just another nicotine delivery program that ______(5) circumvent rules about getting cigarettes to kids," said John Ciccotelli, the Canton Public Health Director. We don't ______(6) to then chase them into a nicotine delivery ______(7) of which e-cigarettes is one."

If the regulation goes through, Canton would be the first town in the country to ban e-cigarettes. ______(8) also will vote to raise the age to buy tobacco to 21.

E-cigarette supporters say the product is a much ______(9) alternative to smoking.

1. A. call          B. calls              C. is called           D. was called
2. A.regulate     B. regulated       C. regulates          D. regulating
3. A. vote         B. votes            C. voted               D. are voting
4. A. minors     B. majors          C. kids                  D. elders
5. A. will          B. would           C.should               D. may
6. A. wanting    B. wanted          C. wants               D.want
7. A. product    B. commodities   C. merchandise     D.products
8. A. they         B. them              C. he                   D. she
9. A. healthy     B. healthier         C. healthiest         D. -

Why it is a bad item?

Firstly, when constructing a Cloze test, the first sentence must be left intact. This is to give the reader general idea on what the passage is about. Then, every Nth word in a sentence will be deleted and in this sample, the writer does not follow the rules of constructing a Cloze test. There are blanks in the 6th word of the sentences and suddenly the first word is deleted in the other sentences. They are not systematic. Two gaps are not allowed in the same sentence. For the answer options, the distractors must be grammatically correct and if the blank is in the first word of the sentence, it should be written in the capital letter. You can see the example in the 8th gap  where "they" is written in the small letters although it is the first word in a sentence. For 5th gap, the tendency of all the answers to be correct are high. The 6th gap should be deleted together with the "don't" since they are in one word and related to each other. So, the answer options will be "don't want" instead of "want".

Below are the suggestion answers for each blank.

1. A. call                  B. calls               C. is called              D. was called
2. A.regulate            B. regulated         C. were regulating    D. are regulating
3. A. vote                B. voted              C. will vote             D. could vote
4. A. minors             B. majors            C. kids                    D. elders
5. A. will                  B. would             C.should                  D. may
6. A. might not want  B. didn't want       C. don't want          D.wouldn't want            
7. A. product               B. commodities     C. merchandise     D.products
8. A. They                  B. them               C. he                     D. she
9. A. healthy               B. healthier            C. healthiest          D. -

Hopefully this will help you to understand better and giving you knowledge to identify which is a bad item or not. Any comments or questions, just drop them below okay? Thanks! :)

Monday 16 December 2013

The differences between Cloze test and C-test

Hello everyone! So, we provide you two pictures here. These are the example of Cloze test and C-test. From these two pictures, you will see how the Cloze test and C-test are being constructed. Check it out boys and girls! Vroommm..Vrooommm...

In cloze test, the first sentence is left intact without any blanks. The fixed deletion cloze is a cloze passage where every nTH word in the passage is deleted. In the cloze passage above, n=5 means that every fifth word after the first sentence is deleted.

C-test also involve mechanical deletion but it is every second word which is mutilated. Half of each mutilated word remains in the texts in order to give the candidate a clue as to what is missing. If the whole word has an even number of letters, then exactly half are missing.For example, to = t_ .While for uneven number of letters, one more than half are missing. For instance, the = t_ _ .

p/s: Comments?Questions? Drop them below okay. Thanks.

Advantages and Disadvantages of C-test

This is a post about advantages and disadvantages of C-TEST, not Cloze test, okay? They are almost the same but actually they are different. Well, you will find out later.

Advantages of C-test

  • In C-test, a variety of texts are recommended. A short text can be formed a large numbers of items.
  • The correction of the task can be objectively scored as it is rare to have more than one answer.
  • The results are encouraging in terms of reliability and validity.
Disadvantages of C-Test
  • The face validity is low because there are many blanks.
  • If the isolated words are difficult, the test takers concentrate their mind in  guessing the vocabulary instead of comprehending the text.
p/s: hopefully this will help you in your ESL class. As usual, any comments or questions, just drop them below okay. Thanks. :)

Type of Cloze Test

As you can see, the title is "Type of cloze test". So, you will get to know the "sibling" or "cousins" of Cloze Test. Let's explore!

Perhaps of its popularity, a number of variants to the cloze test have merged. The most notable is the C-test. In the C-test, parts of words rather than entire words are deleted. The C-test is said to be beneficial in several ways. First, it is highly correlated to the cloze test. C- test can provide same benefits and advantages as the cloze procedure. C-test is also seen to be more reliable and objective .

However, there are some disadvantages and criticism of the C-test. First, the C-test looks complicated and may confuse the students. Second, the C-test merely tests spelling and not an overall understanding of the English language.

You have questions or comments, just drop them belowwwwww....Thanks!

Sunday 8 December 2013

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloze Test

Alright! You have learned and read about how to grade the Cloze test in our previous post. Now, what you need to know is the advantages and the disadvantages of it. Do you know what are the advantages and disadvantages?? Erm.. don't know? So, read it students! :)

Advantages of Cloze Test

  • easy to construct and easy to score if the exact-word scoring method is applied.
  • with the 5th word deletion, a large number of items can be taken on a relatively a short text.
  • It is claimed as a valid measure for reading comprehension test.

Disadvantages of Cloze Test.
  • It is difficult to determine whether a certain word is appropriate to the text or not. So that is takes a long time to check.
So, how is it? Getting to know the Cloze test better? If you have any comments or questions, just drop your comment below. We will try to reply it a.s.a.p! Daaaaa.

Grading a Cloze Test

How the Cloze test can be graded?You will find out about this here. Yes, in this post!

There are two methods on how a cloze test can be graded.

a) Exact word method
Only one answer is accepted for each blank. This method is seen to be more objective and therefore more reliable. However, the exact word method stifles creativity.

b) Acceptable word method
Accept any suitable answer. This method is more subjective,therefore less suitable. Usually in this method, the cloze is tested with native or near native speakers and the responses given are used acceptable answers (Hinofotis, 1987).

Do you have any comments/questions? Just write them in the comment box below. Thanks.